“Penting bagi kami untuk terus melibatkan pelaku usaha sebagai pemangku kepentingan utama dalam sektor perdagangan. Kami mengajak para eksportir Tanah Air memanfaatkan kesempatan ini dengan berpartisipasi pada TEI ke-40 untuk memperluas jejaring bisnis dan meraih peluang ekspor ke pasar global,” ujar Puntodewi.
Sebelumnya, penyelenggaraan TEI ke-39 pada 9-12 Oktober 2024 berhasil mencatatkan transaksi sebesar USD 22,73 miliar. Pameran tersebut diikuti 1.480 peserta dan dihadiri 41.488 pengunjung baik lokal maupun mancanegara.
About PT. Debindomulti Adhiswasti
Debindomulti Adhiswasti
All Event Specialists
Organizing exhibitions is the core business of DEBINDO since 1987, where the events are constantly highlighted with parallel onsite activities of Meeting, Incentive, Conferences, and Exhibition (MICE).
With solid extensive event portfolio for over 3 decades, make DEBINDO a preferred partner for public institutions and private companies for organizing events. The strong brands of DEBINDO’s flagship fairs are unrivaled and successful both at Indonesia and all over the world.
Until now, Debindo has developed and managed an extensive network with 5 branches and regional representative offices. Furthermore, with a dedicated team of 200 professional and passionate staff, Debindo is ready to serve its best professional service for many more years to come.
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